art by Don Collier
Freestyle Portraits and Life Images


Don Collier.
Inspired by Morris Louis' and Jackson Pollock's works, artist Don Collier realized a fascinating process for creating freestyle portraits and life images by pouring liquid acrylic on canvas. This is a style of painting Don started to develop while studying in college and has continued to flourish as his art has matured. Don is currently based in Reno, Nevada.
In Don's own words:
"I have always loved to draw. Which is good, because the foundation of fine art begins with black & white drawings; simple pencil, chalk, or conte' crayons and stipple renderings.
When I entered college, I learned how complex adding color to my art could be. Learning to see everything through color conscious thought began a new direction in art. I really loved working with color and began the abstract paintings not unlike Morris Louis and Jackson Pollock. To me it was like looking at clouds and seeing different animals and faces as a young child would see. At a later point, I grew restless trying to explain the abstract concept even to friends and family. I often heard "That is so cool... what is it?".
So I decided to show abstractions using life objects and human faces that could still be recognized using an abstract technique of Pouring Paint onto canvas. My first was Albert Einstein. Now the comments began to show... most people are good with abstractions as long as they can immediately see an identifiable image first. These images seem to allow the viewer to enjoy the art once they see the realism in the image. Now I hear more comments like "Wow, that's Albert Einstein! That is so cool!".
Now you know a little of my history. I hope you enjoy my art!"
You are looking at Contemporary Abstract Impressionism
Impressionists are more concerned with conveying the emotional impression or experience of the subject of a painting than exact depiction of form. Foremost impressionists include Claude Monet & Camille Pissarro (the earliest leaders in this movement), Edgar Degas, and Pierre Auguste Renoir. Contemporary impressionists continue the tradition started by these masters, as well as adding elements of their own as a kind of modern renaissance, and the movement has branched out to fill the gaps between representational and non-representational art through abstract impressionism.
